C.N. Tower
Toronto, United States

C.N. Tower in Toronto (Canada) - tallest freestanding building to year 2007

Where is located C.N. Tower?

Address of C.N. Tower is Toronto, Canada
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When was built C.N. Tower?

Built date of C.N. Tower is February 1973 - 1976.

C.N. Tower

Facts, informations and history of C.N. Tower

The CN Tower is one of Canada's most recognizable landmarks and an architectural icon in the city of Toronto. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world and is appreciated by both tourists and local residents.

The CN Tower, or Canada National Tower, was built between 1973 and 1976 as part of the infrastructure development of the city of Toronto. Its construction was related to the need to improve communication and transmission of radio and television signals. The tower was a response to coverage problems caused by tall buildings in downtown Toronto.

The CN Tower was the tallest free-standing tower in the world for many years, breaking the record of the 537-meter Ostankino Tower in Moscow. It held this record until 2009, when the Burj Khalifa in Dubai won the title of the tallest building. Nevertheless, the CN Tower is still the tallest tower in Canada and one of the most famous buildings in the world.

The tower was designed by a team of engineers and architects led by John Andrews Architects and Webb Zerafa Menkes Housden Architects.

1,537 people took part in the construction. More than 63,000 tons of earth and slate had to be moved under the foundation, digging to a depth of 15 m.

The CN Tower is 553.33 meters high and weighs over 132,000 tons. The tower has several observation platforms, the highest of which, called the Space Deck, is located at a height of 447 meters above the ground. The revolving restaurant, known as 360 Restaurant, is located at an altitude of 351 meters and offers views of the entire city.

The structure consists of a massive concrete core and is reinforced with steel cables and reinforcement. Over 40,000 cubic meters of concrete, over 130 kilometers of steel cable and over 5,000 tons of reinforcing steel were used for construction. The tower is resistant to strong winds and earthquakes.

Four elevators run up the tower at a speed of 6 meters per second. They can transport 1,200 people in one direction per hour. The ride to the tower head takes 40 seconds and is as fast as a jet taking off.

The CN Tower also serves technical functions, being a place where various types of antennas for transmitting radio and television signals are installed. The tower is also used to test new communication technologies and for scientific purposes.

CN Tower is maintained to the highest safety standards. The tower undergoes regular inspections and maintenance checks to ensure safety for both employees and visitors. Security systems include surveillance cameras, security and alarms.

The CN Tower offers a variety of attractions for visitors, including observation decks, a revolving restaurant and a gift shop. The tower also has special lighting that is used for special events and holidays. Four elevators move at a speed of 6 meters per second, allowing quick access to the observation platforms.

One of the CN Tower's most extreme attractions is the EdgeWalk, where visitors can walk along the outside edge of the tower at a height of 356 meters. This is a unique experience in the world that provides amazing views and thrills. People taking part in EdgeWalk are equipped with special harnesses and are supervised by experienced instructors.

The CN Tower has become one of Toronto's major landmarks, influencing the city's appearance and development. Its characteristic shape and lighting make the tower visible from many places in the city, and has become a symbol of Toronto. Numerous investments have been made around the tower, and the tower itself attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

The CN Tower hosts many events and attractions throughout the year, including special lighting for holidays, festivals and charity events. The tower is also a popular venue for weddings and other celebrations. Special events such as EdgeWalk Day and Light the Tower attract additional tourist crowds.

The building is visited by an average of 1.7 million people a year. The CN Tower is open to visitors year-round. Tourists can take advantage of various ticket packages, which include admission to the observation platforms and the opportunity to eat in a revolving restaurant. The tower's opening hours vary depending on the season, but usually the tower is open to visitors from morning to evening.

Architect of C.N. Tower

Architect of C.N. Tower is John Andrews, Webb Zerafa, Menkes Housden, E.R. Baldwin-Archit

How many meters have C.N. Tower?

Height of C.N. Tower is 553 meters

how many meters have C.N. TowerScale

Construction/building type

Building C.N. Tower is of type Radio tower, Observation tower

Architectural style

Architectural style of C.N. Tower is Contemporary

The contemporary architectural style is characterised above all by modern solutions and the latest technologies. It is a style that focuses on minimalism and simplicity of form, but at the same time does not sacrifice high quality and functionality. In the case of residential buildings, the contemporary style is characterised by large glazings, which allow for optimum interior lighting and create an impression of spaciousness. In the case of public buildings, the contemporary architectural style pays attention to the comfort and convenience of the users and the adaptation of the building to the needs of people with disabilities. ... czytaj więcej.

What material is the building made of?

C.N. Tower is made of the following materials: Reinforcement

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is http://www.cntower.ca

Comments to C.N. Tower (158) Average rating: 5 Add comment    /    Rate building

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19 years ago
to na referat
19 years ago
19 years ago
to jest zqajebiste bylem tam w wakwcje !!!!!!!
19 years ago
największa wieżyczka na świecie ona jest w sim city 4 polecam fajna gierka ekonomiczno-strategiczna. gdyby się tam wspiąc bez zabezpieczeń hu hu!!! duży problem by był
19 years ago
19 years ago
My tam na tej Antenie Wino Pilim;] haha ale widoki
19 years ago
Trzeba byc zeby zobaczyc, ale zeby leciec za ocean tylko po to zeby se tam wiechac to nie wiem, ja bylem przezycie jednorazowe, no a jak ktos juz jest nadzianym snobem i dwa razy do roku lata se do toronto... pozdrawiam hotel sheraton!
19 years ago
Byłem, widziałem, skakałem po szybkach :)) Widoki i przezycia the best
Piotrek (ruedesheim)
Piotrek (ruedesheim)
19 years ago
Jest bardzo wysoka nie wiedzialem ze zrobi na mnie takie wrazenie. Pozdrawiam tych co napisali na oknie w tej wiezy ZIELONA GORA
19 years ago
Mam takie pytanie. Dlaczego człowiek buduje największe budynki? To sobie niespokoi z makymi budynkami.
19 years ago
fajna ta wieżyczka chciałbym sobie skoczyć z niej ze spadochronu
19 years ago
bylam, widzialam przepiekny widok
19 years ago
zajebista budowla i w dodatku jest naj wyższa na świecie.maja babcia chcialaby tam mieszkac
19 years ago
Cud stronka jak i budowle na niej takiej szukałem CONGRATULATION FOR AUTOR'S ;)
19 years ago
Bądźmy szczerzy!! Przecież największą (konstrukcją) świata był maszt radiowy w Gąblinie, a nie CNN TOWER. Polak potrafi. Szkoda że tylko runoł, ale rekord jest rekordem.
anusia kill
anusia kill
19 years ago
no jasne ktosiowisko!!!!!! w polsce niby wszystko było tylko ciekaffe że nic już ni ma:/
19 years ago
Wieża- SUPER!!! Chociaż w Polsce był kiedys maszt wyższy od niej...(chyba coś ok.600m. no nie???) Ale się zawalił... Szkoda
19 years ago
a tak na marginesie rozpoczęto budowę wieży w dubaju, która ma mieć wysokość 800 m więc w 2008 roku jak dobrze pójdzie CN TOWER będzie musiał oddać korone :) - pozdrawiam
19 years ago
ta wieza robi wrarzenie. słyszałem, że musieli wykopać 72 TYS. TON ziemi pod fundamenty
19 years ago
byłem tam 2 razy
19 years ago
co do mojego poprzedniego komentarza to chodziło mi ze wieża w Wilnie jest szósta na świecie pod względem wysokości pozdro i nara :-}
19 years ago
ta wieża jest extra kazdemu polecam jesli jeszcze nie wiecie gdzie jechac na wakacje albo ferie to kase wydajcie na wyjazd na tą wieze po drodze jest duzo hoteli i ciekawych miejsc ale najlepsze wrazenie sprawia widok z niej podobna wieza jest w wilnie tylko ze dwa razy mniejsza w Wilnie jest chyba 6 na świecie pod względem na swiecie najgorszą poisaną tu budowlą jest WTC bo juz jej nie mam(niestety) :-( pozdro dla wszystkich i narqa P.S.ten co wypowiedział sie przed mną moze by sie zastanowił bo ja np. mam 12 lat:-) nara
ta wie
ta wie
19 years ago
Mimo iż mnie tam jeszcze niebylo moge wyciągnąć prosty wniosek, że jak sie na nią wejdzie to będzie sie na pewno bliżej nieba:), szkoda że w Polsce nie ma czegoś podobnego by mozna było sie na to wdrapać.Lubie sie wspinac czy ktoś może wie czy CN TOWER juz zostalo zdobyte przez jakiegoś wspinacza od zewnątrz? pozdrawiam wszystkich
piotr w.
piotr w.
19 years ago
tez bylem na tej wiezy, niesamowity widok zwlaszcza w nocy, a jak sie stoi pod nia...polecam
19 years ago
Zgadza sie, moze nie kontroluje tresci komentarzy, ale niestety mam inne obowiazki niz siedzenie 24 h/dobe i sprawdzanie komentarzy. Strone zaniedbuje coraz bardziej, co widac po coraz zadszych aktualizacjach, jest to wynikiem braku czasu. Odnosnie "Wypieprz..." w tej wypowiedzi nie odnosi sie to do zadnego uzytkownika, wiec ma to mala szkodliwosc spoleczna, a odnosnie pewnego slowa na "z" wypowiadanego czesto przez pewnego piosenkarza z czerwonymi wlosami, to tu tez jest kwestia wzgledna, czy to jest przeklenstwem. Reasumujac pozdrawiam wszystkich kulturalnych uzytkownikow tego serwisu.

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