Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel
United States

Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (Virginia, USA) - 37 kilometer long bridge

Where is located Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel?

Address of Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is Cape Charles and Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
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When was built Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel?

Built date of Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is September 7, 1960 - April 15, 1964 - the northern part
June 16, 1995 - April 19, 1999 - the southern part

Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel

Facts, informations and history of Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel

The greater part of the complex is located on the water, it is supported by 5 114 piles and consists of: 12 miles of low-level roadway (road No. 13), two high-level North Channel Bridge bridges (1158 m long, 23 m high) and Fisherman Inlet Bridge (140 m long, 12 m high), two mile tunnel, two-mile high speed road, 4 islets and 5.5 miles of access roads.

Because of the great importance of transport in the bay, two one-mile underwater tunnels were built to allow ships to be transported over them. They are 7.3 meters wide and 4.1 meters high.

Four artificial islands, each with an area of ​​approximately 10 acres, a weight of 1 183 295 tonnes each and a height of 30 feet, create a passage connecting the road with the tunnels. On one of the islands there is a souvenir shop, a restaurant and a car park from which you can admire the panorama.

Recognized in 1964 as one of the "Seven architectural wonders of the modern world", in a global competition that includes over 100 projects.

In 1965, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding achievement of architecture" by the American Association of Engineers.

Since the opening of the building in 1964, more than 67 million cars have gone through the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel.

This building is the longest complex connecting the bridge with the tunnel in the world.

The depth of the water along the bridge is: 25 - 100 feet.

"We have provided public transport for the necessary route through the beautiful Chesapeake Bay" - Architects

Architect of Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel

Architect of Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is Sverdrup & Parcel
Sverdrup & Parcel

Construction/building type

Building Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is of type Bridge, Tunnel

Architectural style

Architectural style of Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is Modern

Modern architectural style is a style characterised primarily by simple and regular forms, a lack of ornamentation and the use of modern building materials. It is significantly different from other architectural styles, such as Baroque, Gothic or Renaissance, where more complex forms and rich ornamentation predominated. ... czytaj więcej.

Other dimensions, parameters and frequently asked questions

Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel

How many meters have Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel?

Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel have length 27 358 meters (89,760 feet) - total length
24 140 meters - length of the bridge
1 609 meters - length of the tunnel

What material is the building made of?

Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is made of the following materials: steel, concrete


Build cost of Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is $ 200,000,000 - the northern part197 185 777 dollars - the southern part

Other names

The building is also known by other common names or in the original language, i.e. Lucius J. Kellam, Jr. Bridge-Tunnel

Official website

The official website of the building, where up-to-date information can be found, is

Comments to Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (13) Average rating: 4,0 Add comment    /    Rate building

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15 years ago
podobny most łączy Danię i Szwecję.. jak byłam na wycieczce to tamtędy jechałam.. niezła atrakcja :)
17 years ago
chcialbym kiedys tam byc
17 years ago
to wszystko jest ładne,ale jak się jeździ codziennie tą drogą do pracy,to nawet najpiękniejsze rzeczy mogą stać się obrzydliwie monotonne... szczególnie w godzinach szczytu
18 years ago
Strona jest spoko ale mam prozbe- czy moglby mi ktos przeslac troche wiecej informacji o tym moscie poniewarz studjuje budownictwo i te informacje bardzo by mi sie przydaly:)
18 years ago
Strona jest spoko ale mam prozbe- czy moglby mi ktos przeslac troche wiecej informacji o tym moscie poniewarz studjuje budownictwo i te informacje bardzo by mi sie przydaly:)
18 years ago
jechalem kilka razy ale w 2004 dotarlismy kiedy bylo w zatoce wielkie sztormowisko i malo brakowalo by nas nie wpuscili ale ,,jazda,,byla niesamowita wiatr i fale walily przez caly most ,voyager,,podskakiwal na wszystkie strony-jest co wspominac -nastepne razy to juz tylko podziwuanie ogromnej wody
19 years ago
a ja przepływałem nad tunelem, wrażenie robią "znikające" w wodzie samochody
19 years ago
Niesamowita budowla NIESAMOTITA!!!!!!!
19 years ago
Ja tez tamtendy jechalem,teraz kosztuje 12$ ale naprawde warto!!!Niedaleko jest jeszcze jeden tunel ale nieco gorszy bo krotszy ale wyglada praktycznie tak samo!!Pozdro..
19 years ago
Kurde zawsze mażyłem o wyjechaniu do USA tam jest najlepiej nie to co w POLSCE bida i nic więcej
20 years ago
ja tez tamtedy jechalam! super! nigdy wcześniej nie wyobrażałam sobie 30km mostu! w tym rejonie jest wiecej bardzo dugich mostów, widoki przepiękne!
20 years ago
polecam każdemu m,super widoczki roztaczają się z mostu ,niesamowite wrażenie
20 years ago
Jechałem tamtędy! 10$ i wrażenia niezapomniane! Stronka też jest super, pozdrawiam, Tom

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