Cerro del Molinete Roman Ruins

Позиція показати на карті


  • Категорія: ancient
  • Розділ: Ancient
Cartagena was founded about 230 BC by Carthaginian general Hasdrubal as Qart Hadast, Punic for "new city". Hasdrubal extended the newly acquired Carthaginian empire in Iberia by skillful diplomacy, and consolidated it by the foundation of Qart Hadast in an excellent haven as the capital of a new province. Hannibal got silver from the mines there to carry on the war against Rome.

When it was taken by the Roman general Scipio Africanus Major in 209 BC it was renamed as Carthago Nova, Latin for "New Carthage". At the time Carthago Nova was said to be one of the richest cities in the world. The city gave its name (without the 'new') to the youngest province in the Hispaniae diocese, in the form of an adjective: Carthaginiensis.

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Погода в районі
Сьогодні (8 лютий)
поточна погода в цьому місці
17.1 ° C
11.6 ° (min)     17.8 ° (max)
0 mm
4.7 m/s
1021 hPa
завтра (9 лютий)
погода завтра в цьому місці
16.2 ° C
10.8 ° (min)     16.5 ° (max)
0 mm
4.1 m/s
1026 hPa
Показати прогноз на 14 днів Джерело: openweathermap.org
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