Cathédrale Saint-Réparate

  • Категорія: religious-christianity
  • Розділ: Religious - Christianity
The main cathedral in the old town was constructed in the 17th century by Niçois J.A. Guibert. The classic façade is from 1825 and counts two levels. The interior is based on the Jesuit style.

The city celebrates its patron saint's day (fete de Saint Réparate) in early October, when the procession and festivities in honour of Sainte Reparate take place in the city's old quarter, near Place Rossetti and the Cathedral. Martyred in Palestine in 250AD at the tender age of 15, local legend has it that she was washed ashore one autumn evening in a small boat guided by a dove. Although Sainte Reparate's day is October 8, the procession always takes place on either the Sunday before or after this date. Admission is free.

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Погода в районі
Сьогодні (9 лютий)
поточна погода в цьому місці
10.8 ° C
8.1 ° (min)     12.3 ° (max)
0 mm
4.2 m/s
1026 hPa
завтра (10 лютий)
погода завтра в цьому місці
12.1 ° C
9.5 ° (min)     12.2 ° (max)
0 mm
2.1 m/s
1025 hPa
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